NADOHE 2009 Conference
February 9 - 11
Washington, D.C., Omni Shoreham Hotel
Achieving Academic Excellence Through Diversity and Inclusion
Monday, February 9
- NADOHE Board Meeting: BOARD MEMBERS ONLY (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM) - Council Room
NADOHE Conference Leadership Institute (2:00 - 5:00 PM) - Blue Room, East Lobby
Inclusive Excellence: Challenges and Opportunities
Panelists will present a critical reflection on the three archetype structures for designing the Chief Diversity Officer function. Researchers, Damon A. Williams and Katrina C. Wade-Golden identify these structures as the Collaborative Officer model, the Unit-Based model and the Portfolio-Divisional model. Decisions regarding design and implementation strategies on particular campuses will be discussed.
Paulette Granberry Russell; Senior Advisor to the President for Diversityand Director, Office for Inclusion & Intercultural Initiatives, Michigan State University, Conference Co-Chairperson - Moderator
Shirley Ramirez; Vice President for Institutional Planning & Community Engagement, LafayetteCollege
Michael J. Tate, Vice President, Student Affairs, Equity and Diversity; WashingtonStateUniversity
Archie Ervin, Associate Provost and Director, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs: UNC, Chapel Hill
Wendy J. Thompson, Vice Chancellor, Access and Diversity; Tennessee Board of Regents
- Celebrating Diversity - CAREE Reception (6:00 - 7:00 PM) - Blue Room, East Lobby; Sponsored by Johnson Control, Inc.
Tuesday, February 10
NADOHE Business Meeting Breakfast (7:00 - 8:00 AM ) - Palladian Room, West Lobby
Benjamin D. Reese, Jr.; Vice President for Institutional Equity, DukeUniversity, Conference Co-Chairperson - Welcome
Paulette Granberry-Russell; Senior Advisor to the President for DiversityandDirector, Office for Inclusion & Intercultural Initiatives, Michigan State University, Conference Co-Chairperson - Opening Remarks
William B. Harvey; Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Equity, University of Virginia; President, NADOHE - Convenor
- ACE Plenary Session (8:00 - 9:00 AM) - Regency Ballroom, Lower Level, West Lobby
- ACE Plenary Session (9:15 - 10:15 AM) - Regency Ballroom, Lower Level, West Lobby
Book signing: The Ascent of Moneyby Niall Ferguson
- Coffee in the Exhibit Hall. -Lower Level. West Lobby (10:15 - 10:45 AM)
NADOHE-ACE Co-Sponsored Session (10:45 - 12:15 PM ) - Hampton Room, East Lobby
Responding to Future Competitiveness: The Urgency to Diversify the STEM Disciplines
The access and success of minorities in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines continues to be an issue for American colleges and universities with significant implications for future workforce needs. Given the country's rapidly increasing racial and ethnic diversity and emerging economies in China and India, more diversity within the STEM pipeline is necessary to ensure America's future competitiveness. Panelists will discuss the challenges confronting the U.S. in its attempts to diversify STEM and implications for failing to act.
William B. Harvey; Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Equity, University of Virginia; President, NADOHE- Introduction
Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, President of UMBC (The University of Maryland, BaltimoreCounty)
Cora Marrett, Assistant Director for the National Science Foundation, Education and Human Resources Directorate -Respondent
- ACE Closing Plenary Luncheon (12:30 - 1:45 PM) - Regency Ballroom, Lower Level, West Lobby
NADOHE Presidents Panel (2:00 - 3:30 PM ) - Palladian Room, West Lobby
The President as Champion of the Diversity Agenda: Leading By Example
As the chief executive officers of their institutions, presidents are uniquely positioned to bring about significant institutional transformation, especially with regards to diversity and inclusion. Hence, the purpose of this panel is to bring together seasoned presidents who have experiences and thoughts about how best to champion a diversity course for institutions. How can presidents most effectively demonstrate their personal commitment to the diversity agenda?
Njeri Nuru-Holm; Vice President for Institutional Diversity, ClevelandStateUniversity- Introduction
Carol Ann Cartwright; President, Bowling GreenStateUniversity - Panel Moderator
Nancy Cantor, Chancellor and President; SyracuseUniversity
Ricardo R. Fernandez; President, LehmanCollege
Brian K. Johnson; President, MontgomeryCollege
NADOHE Concurrent Session#1: Assessing the Value of Campus Climate: Progress and Future Directions (3:45 - 5:15 PM) - Congressional Room A, West Lobby
Campus climate is a measure - real or perceived - of a college or university environment as it relates to interpersonal, academic, and professional interactions. In this session, the presenter will synthesize existing climate research and introduce frameworks that will help participants develop an understanding of the ways in which higher education researchers are beginning to think about climate and effective assessment strategies.
Abbie Robinson-Armstrong; Vice President for Intercultural Affairs
LoyolaMarymountUniversity- Introduction
Kimberly A. Griffin; Assistant Professor, College of Education, PennState
NADOHE Concurrent Session #2: Diversity and Internationalization: Cultivating Collaboration (3:45 - 5:15 PM) -Congressional Room B, West Lobby
Historically, diversity and internationalization agendas in higher education have developed on different tracks and have been shaped by different ideologies. Today, emerging environmental forces are compelling higher education leaders to examine the intersection of diversity and internationalization. Therefore, the need exists for chief diversity officers to explore the opportunities presented by the intersection of diversity and internationalization, examine existing challenges, and identify creative ways to collaborate with others in addressing these challenges.
Steve O. Michael; Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer, KentStateUniversity - Panel Moderator
Nicolette DeVille Christensen; Vice President, ArcadiaUniversity
Yolanda Moses; Professor of Anthropology, Vice Provost for Conflict Resolution and Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Excellence and Diversity, University of California, Riverside
Thomas R. Rios; Associate Vice President, Student Affairs, MichiganStateUniversity
NADOHE Concurrent Session #3: Emerging Chief Diversity Officers: Mapping Your Pathway to Success (3:45 - 5:15 PM) - Executive Room, West Lobby
Many career paths and strategies can lead to the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) position. This session is designed for college and university professionals considering a career as a CDO. Hear panelists reflect on their personal journeys, followed by small group discussion opportunities with individual CDOs that describe the paths and development that led to their positions.
Jeanne J. Arnold; Vice President for Inclusion and Equity, GrandValleyStateUniversity - Panel Moderator
Toni D. Green; Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Johnson and WalesUniversity
Jack T.F. Ling; Executive Director of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, CDO, University of Dayton
William E. Walden; Professor and Special Assistant to the President, CDO, University of Illinois at Chicago
- NADOHE Banquet (6:15 - 8:30 PM ) - Palladian Room, West Lobby
Presentation of The Frank W. Hale, Jr. Diversity Leadership Award
Wednesday, February 11
NADOHE Networking Breakfast (8:00 - 9:30 AM ) - Palladian Room, West Lobby
Transforming University Settings To Improve Achievement For
Under-represented Groups: The Problems And Promise of Stereotype Threat
For the past 10 years psychologists have been studying how psychological threats to group identity perpetuate achievement gaps. For minority and other ability-stereotyped students, research shows that psychological threat arises from the concern that one could confirm a negative stereotype about the intellectual ability of one's group. This phenomenon is known as stereotype threat. Despite well established research on stereotype threat, racial and gender achievement gaps remain. This talk will summarize research on stereotype threat and recent interventions developed to mitigate its effects. This talk will conclude with a discussion of how diversity officers, policy makers, practitioners and researchers can partner to refocus research and interventions on access, persistence and success in higher education.
Bruce A. King, Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Diversity, St.OlafCollege -Introduction
Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Assistant Professor, Psychology, ColumbiaUniversity
NADOHE Closing Session (9:45 - 11:30 AM ) - Palladian Room, West Lobby
Cultivating Allies: Who's Advancing The Diversity Agenda?
A CDO's leadership extends beyond the walls of the university. The CDO seeks to identify and engage local and national allies within the political arena to support and advance the diversity agenda. Panelists will discuss appropriate and effective strategies to identify allies and impact key political issues.
Jim Renick: Chancellor Emeritus, North CarolinaA & T StateUniversity, Former Chancellor University of Michigan-Dearborn- Moderator
Arnold L. Mitchem; President, Council for Opportunity in Education
Gumecindo Salas; Vice President, Government Relations,Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
For more information contact NADOHE at 561-472-8479.
2007 Conference Program
2008 Conference Program