February 12-13, 2007
Washington, DC
Achieving Academic Excellence Through Diversity and Inclusion
Monday, February 12, 2007
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ACE Center for Advancement of Racial and Ethnic Equity (CAREE) Reception. Sponsored by Johnson Controls. Inc. NADOHE conference participants invited to attend
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
- 10:30AM - Noon Policy & Practice Forums. Featured Session: Institutional Diversity: Presidential Role. Co-sponsored by NADOHE & ACE. Speakers: John Casteen - President, University of Virginia; John J. DeGiola - President, Georgetown University; Belle Wheelan - President, SACS/COC; Moderator: William Harvey, Vice President & Chief Diversity Officer, UVA
- 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM ACE Closing Luncheon & Plenary Session. Sponsored by ING. Luncheon includes presentation of Reginald Wilson Diversity Leadership Awards. Speaker: Marian Wright Edelman, Founder & President, Children's Defense Fund
- 2:15 PM - 4:45 PM Concurrent Sessions
- Comparative Analysis of Diversity Models,
Steve O. Michael, Vice Provost, Kent State University
- Professional Development for Chief Diversity Officers--
What's Next?, Oliver B. Tomlin III, Consultant, Witt/Kieffer
- 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM Journalists' Perspectives on Diversity
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM NADOHE Closing Banquet - Speaker: thomas F. Farrell II, Chairman & CEO of Dominion Resources, and Rector of the UVA Board of Visitors.
For more information contact NADOHE at 561-472-8479.
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2009 Conference Program