Carol Geary Schneider

Carol Geary Schneider is president of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Under her leadership, AAC&U launched Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP), a public advocacy and campus action initiative designed to engage students and the public with what really matters in a college education for the twenty-first century. AAC&U has become widely recognized as both a voice and force for strengthening the quality of student learning in college for all students and especially those historically underserved in U.S. higher education; it is working with hundreds of colleges and universities and numerous state systems to expand the benefits of liberal education across the entire curriculum, through new integration between the core outlines of liberal education and student learning in their major fields.

Dr. Schneider has published extensively on all the major areas of her educational work and has taught at the University of Chicago, DePaul University, Chicago State University and Boston University.

Dr. Schneider is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College with a bachelor's degree in history. She studied at the University of London's Institute for Historical Research and earned the Ph.D. in history from Harvard University. She has received numerous awards and recognitions for her efforts to restore the centrality of liberal education, including ten honorary degrees, a Mina Shaughnessy award from the U.S. Department of Education, and the 2013 Boyer award from the National Association of Colleges and Universities.