Join your colleagues March 16 - 19, 2022, San Diego, CA, for the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE) 16th Annual Conference. Registration is now open for in-person and virtual attendance.

The conference theme is Advancing Equity and Anti-Racism Strategies on Campus. In the wake of the 2020 high-profile killings of Black people by law enforcement, and the viral incidents of anti-Black racism and resulting global protests, the United States and higher education institutions were prompted to confront their centuries-old design flaw: systemic racism. Many institutions of higher education looked inward to identify the ways in which their spaces were created to be exclusive, unwelcoming, and oppressive to students, staff, and faculty, particularly members of communities of color, the LGBTQ+ community and other communities that are underserved and marginalized. In the quest to ensure more people could find a place to belong on campus, many institutions focused on renaming buildings, revising admissions requirements, offering scholarships or clearing debt for some students. In this environment, equity, diversity, and inclusion leaders play an important role in shaping how their campuses will evolve to meet this current moment — moving beyond a diversity emphasis to meaningful, long over-due progress towards racial equity, and influencing structural changes that eliminate broader inequities and benefit all in the campus community.  

This year’s NADOHE Conference will highlight the policies, programs, practices, and processes that should be examined in order to create an equitable and inclusive campus environment. A detailed schedule highlighting keynotes, concurrent sessions, workshops, and other programming will be available in the new year.

We hope to see you there!